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Performance and Load Testing

If you’re a developer, QA engineer or DevOps, you know you need to conduct different types of performance tests, to make sure each code change or feature added doesn’t break the system, and works.

But which types of performance tests should you conduct, what’s the difference between load tests and other types of tests and which test is suitable for which situation?


We can support you independently of the current stage of your projects and independently from your level of knowledge about performance and load testing. It does not matter whether you start thinking about load tests for the first time or if you already set up a whole load test infrastructure. We start right off at your current position and we help you to significantly improve the quality of your IT components.

How do we do?

We simulate a particular load from various locations in the world or from inside your environment if required.

We simulate users patterns predefined with you to test various parts of the infrastructure and browsing scenarios.

How does a load test project work?

We define the best test type and load conditions in function of your objectives, context and budget

We plan the test and preparatory actions with your team.

We execute the test and update you in real time of the situation, to avoid any surprise. The speed of your website is monitored from the end user point of view before and during the test to compare the user experience and enrich the results.

What it enables you?

To sleep on both ears, to avoid a disaster Black Friday or campaign, to detect improvement possibilities in your infrastructure or on your application, to be able to show your internal and external customers that the quality of your website is guaranteed.

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