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Web Performance Optimization

You want to have a clear, objective status of the performance on which your organization can align (IT, business teams) ; you have performance problems and you don’t know where to start with ; you want to keep performant and would like to proactively detect improvement possibilities…
A performance audit not only brings you the data you need to tackle the performance but also transforms it into valuable information. We bring you to the next step to improve your application performance.

How does it work?

We measure your application performance (desktop and/or mobile website) and from the end user perspective with a set of technologies.

Our performance engineers analyze the results:

  • Deep dive where needed to detect the main opportunities for a performance improvement

  • Evaluate the potential of acceleration through a Front End Optimization technology

  • Build a set of recommendations with you.

You don’t have anything to do except telling us which pages you would like to measure and bring together your performance team for a performance workshop to exchange on the results.


Our findings are summarized in a report containing:

  • KPI’s and their interpretation: indicators on availability, technical speed, user perception, explanatory indicators. We include KPI’s which are objective, understandable and representative for both business and IT, aligning them on the situation.

  • The main third parties impacting speed and user perception

  • Opportunities for improvement

  • Actionable recommendations for a better user experience

We present you these findings on a performance workshop where we help you to refine your action plan, based on your situation and budget.

Your benefits

After the performance assessment you will :

  • Know what your users are experiencing ; you have objective and understandable indicators on which business and IT teams can align

  • Have a benchmark to compare yourself to

  • Have opportunities for performance improvement and working tracks to solve specific problems

  • Improved your own performance knowledge thanks to the exchanges with our performance engineers enabling you to better manage the situation afterwards

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